Well, i can't sleep. It's not insomnia...it's just that i wake up every day at 2 p.m. Anyhoo, recently i started watching True Blood and i must say the whole dark vampire vibe it's very very sexy.
I really enjoy the show and so does " J ". It's very dark, loads of blood (oh, the irony *rolling eyes*) and has a very sexy protagonist. Even though i like vampires (what's not to like?) i don't get the whole "mania" over them. I also saw recently Kick Ass and Ghost Writer and i liked them both. Kick Ass definitely kicked ass! I won't say more because " Z " haven't seen it yet...As for Ghost Writer if Pierce Brosnan is in a movie then it is a great one! Well i can't help it, i love watching movies/series. So what do i need now? A sexy vampire boyfriend! Hardly...the closest thing i have to a vampire is Chanel's Vamp nail polish...
Hope you are all having the forlest time...

Dior Kisses