Where should i begin? Ok, House M.D. is the best tv show in the whole world (that's a start). Nothing compares to it. If i had to choose only one thing to watch for the rest of my life, i would choose House without even thinking. Everything about it is amazing. The cast, the dialogues, the ethics (or lack thereof), the medical mysteries. I can't find a flaw. Of course i won't lie, Hugh Laurie is an extremely talented and amazing actor (and the main reason i adore the show). He is doing an incredible job (also in: A Bit Of Fry & Laurie and Black Adder which i love to death) and he is extremely interesting and funny (from his interviews.
Sadly i haven't met him...very sadly). So Greg House is my dream guy. If he were real i would be on the first plane, outside his door, on my knees, begging him to marry me. Know you are wondering " E " begs anyone to marry her?!??! It's the other way around!!". Yes you are right, but that's how much i'm in love with Greg House. He is gorgeous, sexy, super intelligent, duper witty, and deep down better than all of us. So yes my greatest goal is to become Mrs " E " House (New meaning to "overachieving")...
The last episode "It's A Wonderful Lie" , was AH-mazing and i'm so pissed that i can't talk about it or write quotes because " Z " needs to watch 3 episodes to catch up. So at this point i have to say: " Z " watch the damn episodes!! I want to talk about my husband!!
I have to leave you now, i'm in Heaven...
*singing* Heaven, i'm in Heaven, and my heart beats so that i can hardly speak...
I'm afraid of the withdrawl..
I need to know that there are unseen episodes on my hard drive.
Imagine me!
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