Today the weather was unbelievable!! So summer like! So we decided with " Z " to go for a hike. While we were savouring the incredible view we took many photos (and of course the guess where is my Bale...) to remember this 3 hour long promenade!!
So guess where?

This is my gorgeous cocktail ring and my beautiful hand (yes that's MY hand)...

Stairway to hell...
It was absolument forl and i wish " M " was with us!! At the end we had a party popper with us and we celebrated!!! It was too hot though for a diamond ring least i had my cocktail ring (no pun intended)...
YSL Kisses
Well well well....
It seems like you had the time of your life today!!!
I'm so jealous!!!!!
Nice bag...
Nice tree...
Nice cocktail ring...
Nice flower...
Nice pathway....
Nice hand,veeery ladylike!!!!!
A drag queen as a cocktail ring model?????????
Pagkosmia prototypia!!!!!!!!!!
A Whataaaaaaa??!?!?!? OMG you did not just say that missy!!!
Me and my transvestite hand...damn those veins!!!
I can't wait to do it again!
It's kinda funny that
we were exhausted for the first 15 minutes,
but then....
Ta daaaaa!!
We were up and running like crazy! *zoom zoom*
Oh God we love endorphins...
PS1:You haven't mentioned the outfit and the flavor of the coffee we were drinking...
yes, we were drinking coffee while hiking,
aren't we so urban?
"So we decided with " Z "..."
"So "Z" DRAGGED ME..."
ohhhh...somebody had some fuuuun!!!
Way to go guys!!congrats!!
nice pictures...
and...i think i know that ring "E"(we bought it 2gether,remember???).
We r looking forward for your next adventure!
GO GO "E" + "Z"!!!
Come on!!!!
Give us a new post!!!!!
Cheeto's Sweato's!!!!
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