Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Paradise Will Be A Kind Of Library...

Goodmorning EVERYBODY. It's a good day today. " R " is back and on her way to the hairdresser (woohoo, way to go " R ") for some highlights. Nothing better than faboo highlights to lift the spirit, no? I'm talking with " Z " at the moment, he is pretty busy, we both had to wake up really early for some business but we overslept. Anyhoo, the weather is lovely maybe i will take my book and my daughter and go somewhere outside to read, or i can stay here in front of my computer. I'm not a very "nature-y" person i have to admit. Give me hi-tech rooms and i'm in. Have i ever told you about my dream? Oh yes, my ultimate goal is to make a room. MY ROOM. A room where i don't need anything else, i can get in and stay there for ever and ever. So this room will look like this:

Well this one is way too Louis for my taste (and for everyone's taste, please spare us the gold and heavy details), but if you put a more Calvin Klein Home decoration, that's what i'm talking about. A huge library, books everywhere, EVERYWHERE, anything you can imagine from Schopenhauer to Terry Pratchett, so you can read for a lifetime. A piano in the middle. I don't want the huge painting (even if i'm portrayed), instead i want a huge fireplace. My daughter of course, and in one corner a home cinema, AH-mazing computer and fast internet, and a great sound system so i can hear classical music 24/7 (ok maybe sometimes i will listen to Timbaland, Justin and Hilary Duff, but you get the picture). So books, dogs, internet. That's all i want...

Oh, oh i want also a closet full of Elie Saab gowns and my make up collection. That's it.

Oh, oh and i also want...(oh shut up already!!)


Anonymous said...

yeah ...like we didn't know your ambitious plans since..... FOREVER?!!!!!
but anyway, i really hope that you 'll achieve your goal ,so i can take advantage of it! xi xi xi

" E " said...

thank you "G" and don't you worry you will always be part of my plans!!

You know what they say! There's always room for "G"!

Anonymous said...

you you....

ohhhh you are youuuu!!

you know ...,e?

" E " said...

Of course i do.

Too damn fantastic for words!!

Anonymous said...

i kind of prefer this library the way it is *hides* it has a certain romance to it ... maybe it's just me *lol*